The Art of Sway

This is The Art of Sway, a podcast that brings you inside the world of marketing as seen through the lens of influence. Each week, host Danielle Wiley sparks candid conversations with industry insiders and influential tastemakers, in order to uncover all the ways influence impacts our work, our lifestyles and the choices we make.

Episode 31: Innovations in Shoppable Content: A Conversation with Bridget Fahrland from Edelman

Shoppable content and ‘shoppability’ is red-hot right now, but how can brands uncover best-practice strategies that truly move the needle? Bridget Fahrland from Edelman’s Connected Commerce offering reveals the secrets to creating engaging, frictionless e-commerce journeys that use influence to close the deal.

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Episode 30: Influencing Women’s Approach to Fitness with Dr. Michelle Segar, Author of ‘The Joy Choice’

Too often, women’s approach to fitness is driven by weight loss goals, and is it any wonder this isn’t a sustainable and healthy mindset? Michelle Segar, award-winning health researcher and author of ‘The Joy Choice’ helps unpack the ways women can redefine our approach to fitness, with a focus on self-care rather than punishment.

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Episode 29: Moms & Influence: The Power of Authentic Representation with Christina Soletti from Ergobaby

Aren’t we all officially tired of picture-perfect (and wholly unrealistic) depictions of parenthood? This conversation features Christina Soletti from Ergobaby, who shares her insider perspectives on the lasting brand power of authentic representation among moms.

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Episode 28: The Sweet Side of Influence: How Leslie Polizzotto from The Doughnut Project Masters the Art of Sway for Ongoing Brand Success

Want to know how Instagram, flavor innovations, and eye-catching brand collabs all add up to a delicious recipe for marketing success? Leslie Polizzotto from The Doughnut Project shares her uniquely effective strategies for using influence to keep customers lining up for more.

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Episode 27: Breaking Age Barriers: Insights from Influencer, Yogi, and CEO Lorraine Ladish on Overcoming Ageism in Media and Marketing

Anyone else tired of ageism in media and marketing? In this episode, experience the powerful perspective of influencer/yogi/CEO Lorraine Ladish, who has a unique message on how we can change the narrative & create a more inclusive society for all ages.

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Episode 26: Wordle Editor Tracy Bennett on Influence and Puzzles

Why in the Wordle do we need more diversity and representation in puzzle games? Wordle editor and New York Times puzzle editor Tracy Bennett helps us understand the important connections between influence and puzzles — and how makers can provide a more engaging and meaningful experience for players.

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Episode 25: Strategies for Positive Impact by Rocking the Boat Nonprofit Founder, Adam Green

What can an award-winning youth development nonprofit from the South Bronx teach us about influence? Rocking the Boat’s founder Adam Green shares his unique strategies for engaging and empowering young people through experiential learning, community building, and collaboration.

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Episode 24: Own It: Christy Hiler’s Leadership Journey and Fighting Equity Gaps in Advertising Ownership

In the United States, 40% of businesses are owned by women — but ad agency ownership by women is just 0.5%!? In this episode, we dig into uncovering major industry equity gaps with Christy Hiler, agency owner and co-founder of Own It, a research-driven community working to see more women step into the position of ownership.

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Episode 23: Primal Branding Secrets: Insider Tips from Author Patrick Hanlon

Want to hear about a modern method for successfully building authentic brand narratives — that’s actually been around for tens of thousands of years? Author Patrick Hanlon shares insider tips from his iconic book Primal Branding, which has become required reading at YouTube.

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Episode 22: Influencer Talent Manager Johanna Voss De-mystifies the Influencer Management Space

Ever wondered what an influencer talent manager does, or what it’s like for brands to work with them? Johanna B. Voss represents multicultural female talent in the influencer space, and shares her insider scoop on best-practice approaches — and how to deal with the inevitable bad apples out there.

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