The Fuel Podcast

Hosted ByKeith Smith

Interviews with leaders of companies from all areas of business on how they generate sales. What tactics do they use for their particular industry and how can you learn new tricks for your industry – all delivered with a jaunty perspective for your listening enjoyment!

All Episodes

Episode 20: Katrina Sargent – Business Buzz

How to use soft selling skills in video networking, the art of video networking, the future of physical networking, what we miss from the office environment, goal mapping and personal development tips

Episode 19: Neil Bentley – WebVid

Former radio presenter and DJ Neil Bentley puts Keith Smith through his novice podshow host paces while he demonstrates the awesome power of his company’s new podcast and Vlog content service Camflare, which is designed to make production a breeze.

Episode 18: John Ashton of Write Arm

Marketing without words is like Astaire without Rogers, or Noel without Liam. John’s newly launched business Write Arm has arrived to bring life through literature to brands.

Episode 17: Vic Lee

Brands pay Vic to draw on their products and walls because he’s a unique artist. Vic talks about the launch of his new book The Corona Diary 2020.

Episode 16 Pt 2: Ian Truscott – Appropingo & RockstarCMO

The perils of vendor blogs for thought leadership, how the voice is the future of marketing and video as part of your personal branding.

Episode 16: Ian Truscott – Appropingo & RockstarCMO

The pointlessness of data sheets, the five Rs of content marketing, how the voice is the future of thought leadership and video as part of your personal brand

Episode 15: Steve Cheliotis , Pt 2

The effects of Black Lives Matter, Me Too and Climate change on brand emotion and sentiment and what brands are set for stardom post-Covid-19.

Episode 14: Steve Cheliotis – The Centre for Brand Analysis (TCBA)

Brand emotion, employee branding, Persil’s “Dirt is Good” and why agencies need to create emotional points of difference.

Episode 13: Natasha Ellard-Shoefield – Mythbuster

Natasha agrees to give us five of the top myths of new business development – and you’re not going to believe what they are!