The Fuel Podcast

Hosted ByKeith Smith

Interviews with leaders of companies from all areas of business on how they generate sales. What tactics do they use for their particular industry and how can you learn new tricks for your industry – all delivered with a jaunty perspective for your listening enjoyment!

All Episodes

Steve Rawling: storytelling (and story selling) tactics

Make pitches powerful with this proven hack

Tim Delaney: Standing the test of Time

How to write like you want people to read it

Tom Cheesewright: Think like a Futurist

The art of long range vision for agency strategy

Dr.Gleb Tsipursky: New Office Rules

The psychology of working from home, mental wellness and teamwork

Stevie Spring CBE: By Royal Appointment

Living a blended life of people AND profit

Bonus episode – A Very Grubby Christmas

Legendary agency leader Paul Grubb entertains, informs and opines

Orr Vinegold – Unrest: Tomorrow’s World

Championing the brands of the future

Dave Dye: Same Old Sh*t

Yes THE Dave Dye in a monster interview about the art of being creative

Peter Souter: A way with words

TBWA’s Chief Creative Officer on the art of words and pictures