The Fuel Podcast

Hosted ByKeith Smith

Interviews with leaders of companies from all areas of business on how they generate sales. What tactics do they use for their particular industry and how can you learn new tricks for your industry – all delivered with a jaunty perspective for your listening enjoyment!

All Episodes

Craig Davis: Is time running out for the creative industry?

Balancing consumption with global warming

Kevin Taylor: The subtle art of negotiation

Real arbitration tactics from a police-qualified hostage negotiator

Gustav Martner – Greenpeace: This is Fine

Why are we still rewarding polluters?

Rachel Konrad – The Queen of Green: How humans can avoid extinction

Like Donald Trump after an FBI raid, the climate deniers’ argument...

Paul Phillips – AAR: How to avoid coming a close 2nd

The industry’s pitch doctor explains how agencies find clients who need them

Rob Mayhew: The king of agency comedy

The creator of the famous TikTok agency office life sketches on using humor to win business

Paul Grubb: The Man Who Sold The World

Our 100th episode! “Wouldn’t it be great if..?”, the point of creativity, the volation of expectation, brand fame & how to survive a recession

Graham Fink: Effortlessly Creative

Eye tracker art, theological & unusual inspiration, the art of creativity, dealing with critics, distraction, greenwashing, humor, curiosity, anecdotes, Malcolm McLaren, George Best, Apocolypse Now, digital colonialism & AI.

After Dark – Safi Zisman: How to nail TV & Radio interviews

The art of handling media interviews and ppearances